Setting the background color. Use utilities like bg-white, bg-indigo-500 and bg-transparent to control the background color of an element.
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When it comes to building a custom color palette, you can either curate your colors from our extensive included color palette, or configure your own custom colors by adding your specific color values directly.
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By default, Tailwind makes the entire default color palette available as text colors. You can customize your color palette by editing theme.colors or theme.extend.colors in your tailwind.config.js file.
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Customizing the default color palette for your project. The theme.colors section of your tailwind.config.js file allows you to override Tailwind's default color palette. // tailwind.config.js. module.exports = {. theme: {. colors: {. indigo: '#5c6ac4', blue: '#007ace', red: '#de3618', } } }
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Setting the accent color. Use the accent-* utilities to change the accent color of an element. This is helpful for styling elements like checkboxes and radio groups by overriding the browser’s default color.
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Text Colors. By default, Tailwind makes the entire default color palette available as text colors. You can customize your color palette by editing theme.colors in your tailwind.config.js file, or customize just your text colors in the theme.textColor section.
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You can customize your color palette by editing the theme.colors variable in your tailwind.config.js file, or customize just your background colors using the theme.backgroundColor section of your Tailwind config.
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You can customize your color palette by editing the theme.colors variable in your tailwind.config.js file, or customize just your background colors using the theme.backgroundColor section of your Tailwind config.
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Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.
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If you don’t have a set of completely custom colors in mind for your project, you can curate your colors from our default palette by importing tailwindcss/colors in your configuration file and choosing the colors you want to use:
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